I just found this cute little calculator on Amazon for those who really want the ability to quickly figure the depth of field during a photo shoot.
Accurate control of DOF is one of those skills that can separate you from taking average photos to great photos. There are several different ones available, as well as several FREE apps you can download. Here is the link to the calculators: Depth of Field Calculator
Comments for Depth of Field Calculator
by Photo TipMan
I shot this using a full-sized sensor camera with a 24-105mm lens attached, set at 105 mm. You can see the dramatic difference between F-4 and F-8.
The Depth of field is still fairly narrow in both examples for 3 reason:
1. Telephoto setting of zoom lens at 105.
2. Full-sized sensors have less depth than small sensors and a whole lot less than tiny sensors like cell phones.
3. The distance from the subject to the front of the lens is small. Close-up and macro photography have very shallow depth of field, even a very small apertures.
Valuable definition of depth of field
Comments for Depth of Field Comparison of F-4 and F-8
by Photo TipMan
I found this beautiful use of limited depth of field and thought the readers of Digital Photo Tips would enjoy it.
I found it on a web site called up-free.com
Comments for nice blurry background with photo of flower